Existujú miesta určené na bolesť. Tých, čo tam ostávajú i tých, čo ich navštevujú. Sestry tešiteľky, obetaví zamestnanci a skupina dobrovoľníkov v Rajhrade pri Brne trávia svoj čas na takomto mieste, aby sa k bolesti pridala aj nádej. Na posledné úsmevy alebo vľúdne slovo.
Začala som sem chodiť, vedená vetrom a dažďom, pretože chodím a spievam.
There are places meant for pain. Of those who dwell there as well as those who come to see them. The sisters comforters, so-called, devoted staff and a group of volunteers in Rajhrad (a village near Brno where I live) spend their time in such a place to add some hope to the pain. For the last smiles or a kind word.
I have started going there, led by wind and rain, because I can walk and sing.
March 5th, 2008 at 15.05
Jestli jsem to dbre pochopil, tak celkem depresivi …. (Ja to cetl pouze v anglictine) .-)
March 5th, 2008 at 17.07
Naopak…praveze to prinasa radost. Mne, aj tym ludom tam :o) A k citaniu v AJ gratulujem (si).
March 6th, 2008 at 21.40
Paci sa mi nebanalnost tejto formulacie:
Miesta, určené na bolesť.Začala som sem chodiť, …
March 17th, 2008 at 12.32
Tuez by som potrebovala miesta, kde sa da zbavit smutku, bolesti, samoty
March 17th, 2008 at 17.36
To miesto mas v sebe…
March 17th, 2008 at 23.51
vzacne miesto, kde sa da zbavit smutku, bolesti a samoty ma v sebe ten, kto vnima smutok, bolest a samotu
March 18th, 2008 at 14.20
bohuzial nie…akosi teraz chyba