Do galérie pribudli dve série fotografií, ktoré vznikli v Prahe na Vinohradoch na konci nádherného zeleného apríla. LA VA hrala v Carpe Diem na čítaní Literárneho Almanachu Wagon a mňa v uliciach fotografoval Martin Vičan. Na koncert nám veľmi príjemne kradol dušu okrem Martina aj Vlastimil Bref.
There are new sets of photos published in my gallery. They were taken in Prague, Vinohrady, which was absolutely mesmersing and colourful at the end of last April. LA VA performed at Carpe Diem within a poetry reading and the photos of me were taken by Martin Vičan. Apart from Martin, Vlastimil Bref contributed with very nice concert photos as well.