Tour de chajovna sa skončilo. Podarilo sa mi obkrúžiť 7 čajovní od Západných Čiech (Plzeň) po Západné Slovensko (Nitra). Bola som odmenená výbornými čajmi, náušnicami :o), zaujímavou odozvou a nadviazala som nové kontakty.
** Ďakujem všetkým čajovniam za poskytnutie priestorov pre “neznámu tvár” a všetkým, čo si ma prišli vypočuť **
I have just finished a mini-tour around Czech and Slovak tearooms. Tearooms are a special Czecho-Slovak phenomenon in the CEE region if you consider there used to be no tradition of tea-drinking earlier . They became very popular in the 1990s as good places to relax and lead philosophical disputes :o) Nowadays they are widely visited by teenagers because of hookahs – water pipes and they are slowly converting into less exclusive places. They are appreciated as non-smoking spots as well (water pipes always smell better and are usually separated in special rooms).
When it is just me and my guitar, they are ideal to get into touch with new listeners – you are close to people and they usually do not hesitate to talk to you after your performance – I am really grateful for the feedback I´ve got, as well as the opportunity to play and gain new practice.